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Межблочный кабель Coincident Extreme XLR

Кабель канадского производителя делается из меди частотой 6 N , при чем канадского происхождения. Ритейл кабеля 695 уе. в версии XLR. И он явно завышен, раза в 2 точно.

Cable are made from custom-drawn and specially treated PC-OCC (Pure Copper, Ohno Continuous Cast copper, which is so pure that it actually exceeds the test capabilities of any commercial laboratory.  The conductors of this extremely expensive material are individually insulated with thin films of a special PTFE-related fluoropolymer material and then arrayed in CST's own proprietary "WaveLink" geometry between an air- and nitrogen-bearing concentric two element fluoropolymer central core and a single element air-bearing fluoropolymer outer core. The insulation and core structure thus formed has a lower effective dielectric constant than any other kind or combination of commercially available materials. Where necessary for balanced or AES/EBU operation, a special grounding network is incorporated within the central core.

All connectors used on STATEMENT Series interconnects and digital cables are made to CST's own high standards.  Every connector is non-magnetic, to avoid hysteresis effects, and each is designed for minimum self-inductance.  Every part in the signal path of every STATEMENT Series connector is precision manufactured from either ultra-pure copper or from an ASTM-designated copper alloy selected to be best for its particular application. Where gold plating is used, it is applied directly, with no nickel substrate, just thickly enough to prevent connector tarnishing, without affecting sound quality. To ensure minimum self-inductance, steps are taken on every STATEMENT Series connector to remove all conductive materials not absolutely necessary to signal transmission from the signal path.

Special STATEMENT Series XLR connectors are custom machined and precision die-cast, with pins (male) and pin receptacles (female) of billet-cut Tellurium copper or patented Brush-Wellman Alloy 174 beryllium copper as standard.

По звуку, широко, пространственно, есть небольшой акцент на верхней середине, бас глубокий и вполне читаемый. Мне показалось что в ламповую технику подходит лучше чем в транзисторную. Кабель среднего дивизиона, вполне может радовать своим звуком. Играет по звуку долларов на 200. Ничего примечательного. Как замена штатному.

В этом бюджете, мне приглянулись кабели от Roger Scoff, создателя XLO, а теперь владельца фирмы RSX Teсhnоlоgies. Кабель модели Benchmark произвел на нас впечатление при своей цене, конкурентов нет.

Тестовая система:

Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 speakers $38,000/pair.

Audio Research CD 7 $8,995

Audio Research Reference 3 preamp $9,995

Burmester 911 mk III amp $37,000

Кабельная обвязка: монобренд Furutech топовый

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